Midterm Exam Redo

  • Due No due date
  • Points 40
  • Questions 40
  • Time Limit 60 Minutes


Midterm Exam and Midterm Exam Redo Instructions –

Midterm Exam and Midterm Exam Redo: You can do the exams at your convenience. You must do the exams alone, by yourself. Exams include Chapters 1-6. The exam has 40 questions, Multiple choice and true/false, and you have 1 hour to complete it. You should use your book and notes, but you probably will not have great success unless you have read your book and studied your notes, ahead of time. Enter the exam only once, so be ready before you start, be ready to complete it. ONCE YOU START, YOU CAN NOT STOP, & THEN GO BACK IN, you cannot restart it. Some questions may look like repeats, answer them both don't hesitate and waste your time. Any day you can do the “Redo”, even both in the same day, for a second chance at the exam. If you had computer problems during the first Exam go to a different location to get a better computer for the Redo. Go to one of the Union County College sites to use a college computer, they usually work the best.

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